10 Common Negative Thoughts and How to Overcome Them


Negative thinking is a common psychological issue that can have a significant impact on our daily lives, including our physical health and social interactions. Social anxiety, in particular, is closely linked to negative thought patterns. These thought patterns can make us doubt our own abilities and reinforce negative beliefs about ourselves, leading to feelings of insecurity and awkwardness in social situations.

Here is a list to convert negative beliefs into positive beliefs:

Negative Thought Positive Thought
 I’m not good enough I am 100% capable and have strengths and talents.
 Things will never get better I have the power to improve my circumstances and make things better
 I am a failure I have had setbacks and failures, but I am not defined by them and can learn and grow from them
 I am alone I have people in my life who care about me and I am capable of making connections with others
 I am not worthy of love I am deserving of love and care and will attract healthy relationships into my life
 I can’t do this  have the ability and resources to face this challenge and find a way through it
 It’s all my fault I am responsible for my actions but not all things that happen to me
 I am not smart enough I am capable of learning and growing, my intelligence is not fixed and can be developed
 I am not attractive I am unique and beautiful in my own way and should focus on things that truly matter
 I am not successful Success can be defined in different ways and I have achieved many things in my life that I am proud of. I am on my way to achieving my goals

Negative Thinking Symptoms

Some common symptoms of negative thinking include jumping to conclusions, overgeneralization, and avoiding social situations altogether. Negative thinking can also lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, as people may become too afraid to engage with others. To overcome negative thinking, it is important to be aware of these patterns and actively work to challenge and reframe them. This may include seeking help from a therapist or counselor, practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, and learning cognitive-behavioral techniques to change negative thought patterns.

Treatment for negative thoughts can be a complex and time-consuming process. While some individuals may find relief from home remedies, chronic negative thoughts often require professional mental health care. Early intervention is key to achieving a positive outcome. Seeking help from a therapist or counselor can be difficult, but it is important to remember that these professionals are trained to help individuals create a healthy way of dealing with negative thoughts. Many local health programs offer a comprehensive wellness program that encourages patients to take an active role in their care.

SAMHSA’s National Helpline

SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential service that is available 24/7 and 365 days a year for individuals and families who are dealing with mental health and/or substance use disorders. The helpline offers treatment referrals and information in both English and Spanish.

 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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